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Rainy month leads to flood damage for Tampa residents

On Behalf of | Aug 5, 2015 | Bad Faith Insurance Claims |

Certain parts of Florida have been hit pretty hard with rain in recent weeks. In fact, some areas like Tampa have gotten up to 7 inches of rain with more expected in the near future. This is several inches higher than usual and the heavy rainfall is certainly taking its toll on residents.

Not only are roads being shut down and Florida attractions closing due to the rain, but many residents are also coming home to see their homes flooded and damaged by the heavy amounts of standing water. It may be essential to take some time and review your insurance policy in order to avoid any additional unpleasant surprises.

Many people will find that they are adequately covered with their flood damage insurance policy. They can get their homes repaired and hopefully it won’t be too inconvenient of a process.

Unfortunately, there are many people for whom this process will be not only inconvenient but also frustrating and maddening. This is because they find out much too late that their insurance company failed to be honest with them about their coverage and they are not as protected as they were led to believe.

There are also far too many cases where insurance companies deny claims of flood damage for seemingly no reason or refusing to cover certain expenses because they say they are not due to the recent storms.

Whenever a claim is denied or delayed by an insurance company, homeowners can find themselves not knowing what to do or what options they have they fight back. In these situations, it can be crucial to discuss the details with an attorney who is familiar with how insurance companies work and what tactics they use to try and avoid paying out claims.

Dealing with damage to your home due to heavy rainfall can be very stressful. Not only can you worry about keeping your house protected, you can also be very concerned with keeping your family safe. In order to stay focused on these things, you don’t want to be spending hours and hours battling with your insurance company. Rather than take on this situation alone, it can be wise to bring in an attorney who can fight back against an insurance company’s questionable or bad faith acts.

Source: The Washington Post, “The Tampa area is under water as a tropical disturbance spawns flooding rainfall,” Angela Fritz, Aug. 3, 2015